Tuesday, September 30, 2014
Fahrenheit 451 Vocab 1
1. kerosene
2. swiftly
3. miraculous
4. rediscovery
5. slid
6. astonishing
7. dull
8. squint
9. sludge
10. wad
Monday, September 22, 2014
vocabulary fall list 5
1. adroit: having or showing skill. She is adroit at handling problems.
2. amicable: showing a polite and friendly desire to avoid disagreement. They reached an amicable agreement.
3. averse: having an active feeling of repugnance. I'm not averse to fish if is cock right.
4. belligerent: angry and aggressive. He was drunk and belligerent.
5. benevolent: kind and generous. A gift from benevolent donor.
6. cursory: rapidly and often superficially produced. The mayor gave a cursory glance at the report.
7. duplicity: dishonest behavior. He exposed the spy's duplicity.
8. extol: to praise. The health benefits of exercise are widely extolled.
9. feasible: possible to do. We look for feasible ways to create new jobs.
10. grimace: facial expression of disgust. He made a grimace when he tasted the medicine.
11. holocaust: killing of millions of Jews by the Nazis during world war II. The museum Is devoted to the holocaust.
12. impervious: not allowing something. The material for this coat is supposed to be to be impervious to rain.
13. impetus: a force that causes something. His researchers have given impetus to further research.
14. jeopardy: exposure to imminence of death. Firefighters put their lives at jeopardy by executing daring rescues.
15. meticulous: very careful at doing something. He described the scene in meticulous detail.
16. nostalgia: the state of being homesick. He was filled with nostalgia for his college days.
17. quintessence: the most typical example. Parthenon In Greece was consider the quintessence of the virtue of charity.
18. retrogress: to move backward. The quality research at the university lab has begun to retrogress since the massive budget has decreased.
19. scrutinize: to examine. I closely scrutinized my opponent's moves.
20. tepid: not hot and not cold. My suggestion was given a tepid response.
Thursday, September 18, 2014
vocabulary fall list #4
1. melancholy: a feeling of pensive sadness. An air of melancholy surrender the town.
2. exemplary: serving as a desirable model. He got an award for a exemplary community service.
3. peculiar: strange or odd. His accent was a peculiar mixture of American and British English.
4. dread: to fear greatly. He can't swim and dreads going into water.
5. bough: a main branch of a tree. A tree bough fell to my car during the storm.
6. pious: deeply religious. Goodman Brown was a pious person.
7. communion: a Christian ceremony. She went to front of church for her communion.
8. auditor: a person who audits accounts. Some auditors charge a lot of money for their services.
9. multitude: a great number of things or people. In the night we can see a great multitude of stars.
10. eloquence: the ability to speak or write well in an effective way. The senator's eloquence is well known.
11. despair: to lose all hope or confidence. Things look bad now, but don't despair.
12. hoary: very old. A man with hoary age was in the party yesterday.
Monday, September 15, 2014
Literature Analysis #1
The book I'm reading is titled Breaking Through by Francisco Gimenez. What drew me to read this book is the fact that is written by a person who is Mexican just like me. Someone who had the same problems I face everyday. I expected to get motivation to overcome the problems I'm facing and the ones I'll face in the future. I kept reading it because it was getting interesting and interesting. Everything starts when the author describes his family a hard working family, who works in the fields. Through out the story the author describes the problems he faced to get educated. He clearly states that his main goal was to go to a university even though they were a lot of obstacles he made his dream true. The tone is a cheerful tone. One example of direct characterization is the author's father, the author describes how he didn't wanted him to study. Which shows that his father was a person who didn't value education. An example of indirect characterization is Mr. Kinkade who was his counselor and explained him what he needed to do become a teacher . In my opinion the protagonist is a static character because he never changed he always did what he had to do in order to achieve his goal. After reading the book I can tell a had met the author because there a part where the fathers author say's "only rich people can become teacher" in other words he means that only rich people can go to university. Those are the same words a lot of my family members tell me.
Tuesday, September 9, 2014
vocabulary 3 fall list
1. coherent: argument, theory, or policy. The government failed to developed a coherent economic strategy.
2. belabor: argue or elaborate (a subject) in excessive detail. Critics thought they belabored the obvious.
3. eschew: abstain from. Most people try to eschew violence.
4. acquisitive: excessively interested in acquiring money or material things. His acquisitive wife left him for a New York architect.
5. emulate: match or surpass typically by imitation. Lesser man trying to emulate his intelligence.
6. banal: so lacking on originality as to be obvious and boring. Songs with banal, repeated words.
7. excoriation: harsh criticism. He was excoriated as a racist.
8. congeal: solidify or coagulate. The blood congealed into blobs.
9. carping: difficult to please. He has silenced the carping critics with a successful tour.
10. substantiate: provide evidence to support or prove the truth of. They had found nothing to substantiate the allegations.
11. temporize: avoid making a decision or committing oneself in order to gain time. The opportunity was missed because the mayor still temporized.
12. largesse: generosity in bestowing money or gifts upon others. He was dispensing his money with such largesse.
13. tenable: able to defend against attack or objection. Such simplistic approach is no longer tenable.
14. insatiable: impossible to satisfy. An insatiable desire for success.
15. reconnaissance: military observation of a region to locate an enemy. An excellent aircraft for low-level reconnaissance.
16. germane: relevant to a subject under consideration. That's not germane to our theme.
17. ramify: cause to branch or spread out. A ramified to a genealogical network.
18. intransigent: refusing to agree about something. The regime remained intransigent in its opposition to wider participation political processes.
19. taciturn: saying little. She was a small alarmingly taciturn, demon at basketball.
I have learned that stories can be told in many different ways. It depends on many factors that makeup storytelling. For example the time it was written, the author, themes and central message.
Tuesday, September 2, 2014
vocabulary: fall list 2
1. intercede:intervene or behalf of other. I begged him to intercede for my uncle but he refused.
2. hackneyed: lacking significance through having been overused. Hackneyed old sayings.
3. approbation: approval or praise. You will never have my approbation to cheat.
4. innuendo: an allusive or oblique remark or hint. She is always making sly innuendoes.
5. coalition: an alliance for combined action. A coalition between democrats and republicans is common today.
6. elicit: response, answer or fact. They invariably elicit exclamations of approval from guests.
7. hiatus: a pause in a sequence, series or process. There was a brief hiatus in the war with France.
8. assuage: make an unpleasant feeling less intense. The letter assuaged the fear of most of our members.
9. decadence: moral or cultural decline. The president denounced western decadence in America.
10. expostulate: express strong disapproval or disagreement. I expostulated with him in vain.
11. simulate: imitate the appearance or character of. Red ocher intended to simulate blood.
12. jaded: tired or bored. Meals to tempt the most jaded appetites.
13. umbrage: offense or annoyance. She took umbrage at his remarks.
14. prerogative: a right or privileged exclusive to a particular individual or class. Owning an automobile was still prerogative of the rich.
15. lurid: very vivid in color. Lurid food colors can capture attention easy.
16. transcend: be or go beyond the limits of something abstract typically a conceptual field or division. Transcending in political parties is not easy.
17. provincial: concerning a province, country or empire. Provincial elections are held every certain time.
18. petulant: bad tempered. He was moody and really petulant.
19. unctuous: excessively or ingratiatingly flattering oily. He seemed anxious to but not in a unctuous way.
20. meritorious: deserving reward or praise. Here is a medal for your meritorious conduct.
Monday, September 1, 2014
"young goodman Brown" Q&A
1. Maybe his purpose was to capture the readers attention by including religion in the story.
2.Yes I do believe Brown has faith in his wife. The fact that he believes in her supports that idea.
3.The pink ribbons can represent the days Brown is gone.
4.I think it was a dream because the story says he woke up from a dream.
5.The old man can be the devil. He doesn't seem to be a religious person and back then those who weren't religious could be related to the devil, and he is also a really mysterious man.
6. No because he is the only one who knows what's going on in his mind. Probably he doesn't even know what's going on in his mind, which means that the staff can not guide him.
7.No because sooner or later he was going to realize which kind of people were around him.
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